The multi-purpose, wall-mounted friskers are used with the DP11 gas flow probe or our scintillation probes. Extremely easy to use, features include proven microprocessor control, a graphics display, digital setup/calibration facilities and a durable housing.
- Random recognition algorithm eliminates nuisance alarms by distinguishing radon alarms from others
- Results displayed in count rate, total activity, or specific activity
- Peak and instantaneous readings are both displayed
- Peak reading, displayed during measurement, makes it easier to pinpoint the maximum activity
- Dwell on peak response assists in detecting small spots of contamination
- Gas flow and scintillation detectors both use a standard coaxial cable
- Signal processing for smoother displays of changing count rate with better detection of contamination
- Internal power source gives at least 2.5 hours operation without main power
- Graphics screen display far superior to mechanical and alphanumeric displays
- Operating point can be set by cursor from graphic display of plateau
- Built-in routines; high voltage scan, plateau plot S plus B and S2/B values for probe characterization
- Gas flow rate and pressure monitored by electronic means
- Passive infrared proximity sensor (optional) allows hands to be monitored before touching the probe
- Dual control monitor operates with a large range of sensitive probes
- Removal of probe from hanger (or triggering optional proximity sensor) activates measurement cycle with back ground subtracted; replacement of probe causes resumption of background measurements
- Audible indications consist of distinct tones for particle detected, alarm, and fault condition
- A continuous self-test program prevents monitoring of invalid or fault conditions
- The probe can be tested for contamination after each measurement
- Selectable count-averaging times and confidence levels on the alarms
- Data recording possibilities, peak readings for each measurement, setup parameters, and HV scan results (using the serial port and an external printer)
Ordering Information:
Variants can be supplied: e.g., mounted on a sack truck, or with large area detectors, or with multiple detectors. Details on request.